With a distance of 65 km north of Cyprus is an island in the Mediterranean, Turkey, with a distance of 112 km east of Syria, and Israel 267 km, 162 km and Lebanon, and Egypt, 418 km south of the west and Greece is located in 965 km.

Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean after Sicily and Sardinia. Cyprus, 30.33 and 35.41, and 32.23 latitude and 34.55 longitude. 3355 km ² area of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. Approximately half of the island coast within the boundaries of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.
20% of 45% of cultivable land is irrigated efficiently. Average is 20% of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus forests is continuing an intensive reforestation program.
Remained dominated by the Hittite for a while. Afterwards colonized by Achaeans in Greece were ruled by the Roman and Byzantine. In 1571 it was conquered by the Turks, the Ottoman Empire in 1878, the annual rent for U.S. $ 500.000 in 1914 and occupied by the British in 1960, gained independence as the Republic of Cyprus, 1974 Greek coup on the island after the Turkish Armed Forces held as a result of the Cyprus Peace Operation consists of two separate states. Approximately 74% of the population is Greek (Greek), 26% were Turks. The largest city of Nicosia.
Today the island is managed by two separate republics: These are only recognized by Turkey under that name, and the Republic of Turkey Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and Southern Cyprus.

The climate is typical Mediterranean climate of Cyprus. Summers are long and dry, and winters are short and rainy. The average annual temperature 19 º C (66 º F). Mid-summer temperature is 40 º C (105 º F) the warmest sea in the Mediterranean and the average was around 21 º C (75 º F). The weather is pretty mild winter and an average annual rainfall is more than 500mm of rain east of the west coast.
Evergreen, citrus fruits, as well as scrub, deciduous trees, dwarf shrubs, flowers of different species of trees and bushes of Cyprus creates the overall vegetation cover. Cyprus has been an important factor in the formation of the unique Mediterranean climate, the natural wealth. The most common type of forest tree species of pine, cypress, oak and subsequently grown on the island. Gramineae out in Cyprus, including nearly 150 different species, 1900 kinds of flowering plants that grow naturally are estimated. 30 species of orchids known in the world live only in Cyprus. Found nowhere else in the world and only 19 plant species are grown in Cyprus.

Both living on the island of Cyprus, as well as being a home to animals that migrate between continents is a country rich with animal species. Due to the geographic location of Northern Cyprus accommodation and nesting birds between Africa and Eastern Europe center. 7 species are endemic in the 350 species on the island. Also living in 26 different reptiles and amfibyum. Cyprus is also unique in the Mediterranean beaches of endangered sea turtles Caretta caretta and Chelonia mydas centers suitable for spawning.